Virtual Parkrun 5km 16:31 Stromlo ; Steve 17:44

Tuesday morning Virtual Parkrun 5000m at Stromlo. Weather +4 degrees, no wind, foggy. Both Steve (17:44) and I there. We were using this run as a time for the Open European Masters 5k Virtual Challenge.

Splits: 1:36.7,1:36.1,1:37.5,1:38.0,1:39.9,1:39.9,1:41.7,1:41.5,1:42.1,1:38.1=16:31.4

Like yesterday I had no bad splits although I was relatively slower in the final 2km. That's my fastest 5km since January 2018 when I ran the same time at Parkrun Gungahlin and 16:29 in Oceania Masters Athletics Championships a couple of weeks later. 15 weeks of solid training at high volume (125km/week) and numerous time trials to get my speed endurance up. Biggest difference today was mental...I was up for it knowing it was my last time trial in this training block. I can rest mentally for a few days now.


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