Virtual Parkrun 5km Ginninderra Clare,Gabe,Jen

Thursday morning virtual Parkrun at Ginninderra pacing Clare W65 23:45ish, Gabe W55 25+mins and Jen W65 24:45ish, Carol solo W55 28+mins. Weather cool, foggy, no wind. Goal to establish times for the girls in the Open European Masters 5km Virtual Challenge. All the girls did well.

10km for me in the morning, 7km at lunch, 120km this week marking the end or week 15 of this high volume (125km/week) base building block. Tomorrow begins a new training block to focus on direct preparation (8 weeks) for a competition period of one week (virtual World Masters Athletics Championships 8000m XC, 5000m, 10km road) to be held from 20th July.


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