Mountain Threshold Run 13km ; Stromlo XC Intervals 4 x 200m, 2 x 300m : Steve 3000m 10:24

Autumn like weather this morning, cold with strong winds. Pre-dawn mountain run on forest trails of 13km running very hard on all the hills, cautious on the down hills. Later a set at Stromlo XC circuits of 4 x 200m, 2 x 300m efforts on a flat stretch of grass. Not a great day for running track with ACT Masters, very windy and cold. I had already decided to skip this week. Steve ran a handicap 3000m in 10:24. Splits: 3:26,3:30,3:28. Next hard effort on Saturday at Parkrun. I'll be aiming to break another Parkrun M60 age record, something I will be doing every second week or so.


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