ACT Masters XC Handicap West Stromlo 7.5km ; ACT 10000m Joshua Torley 30:50

XC handicap over 7.5km this morning cool, just a breeze. The course hilly on fire trails. Mostly down first half, mostly up second half of out and back. I ran at 4:40/km roughly which is solid on that course.

Drove home and did what I could to prepare for 10000m track a couple of hours later. Joshua Torley 1st 30:50. I was a distant 2nd 35:13. 3rd Andrew Leigh 36:54. Weather was sunny, just a breeze, around 18 degrees in the shade (we weren't in the shade). Quite nice for running although a water station would have been handy! The sun above was dehydrating.

I was on 33:20 pace for 2400m, sub-34 for 4400m (but slowing) before realising that goal was impossible and ran steady to finish with a last lap of 70. Joshua was on fire early (sub-30), also faded a little with the sun at High Noon.

All up I got what I deserved. Hard session day before, solid run in morning, no breakfast or lunch, not properly tapered. On the positive a good training session and I stuck it out to the finish.

I'm still not keen to run the 10000m full gas in Darwin. 1500m looks fun with good competition and it's what I've been training for and in good form already.

Coming up I have ABS Fun Run 6km mid-week, in a fortnight ACT XC Championships 8km. I'll keep the 600m sessions going in the range 1:42-1:45 or better, easy recovery runs in between. This week will be around 140km followed by a full taper down to 85km in time for Australian Masters Athletics Championships. 24km today, last 7 days volume is 105km. Just an easy 20 min jog this afternoon to loosen up.

Keith did a long run today 110 minutes. Steve did a 5km time trial in 18:14, even splits.


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