BBQ Stakes Maximum Threshold 6.1km XC 22:29

Weather warm with light winds for a maximum threshold run at BBQ Stakes. No warm up today other than hill strides and stretching, I did that in the up hill first kilometre. The result 13 seconds quicker than a fortnight ago. It's still 40 seconds from where my limit is on the current course with civil works occurring since mid-June 2018 adding around 100m.

Tomorrow on track is a handicap 800m as part of the 800m,1500m,3000m series inspired by the late Jack Pennington and Chris Higgins. I'll do a full warm up plus 4 x 200m strides before the event. Time doesn't matter in this race, all about a top 3 finish. I'll be giving some a big head start. I'll need something left in the last lap. 126km last 7 days.

This is last year's race taken by Ewen. Thanx again.


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