Stromlo XC Intervals 5 x 3 minutes, 1 minute recovery ; Parkrun Noosa

Stromlo XC intervals this morning. Very warm, no wind. The set: Warm up, 5 x 100m strides, 5 x 3 minute efforts with 60 seconds jog recovery, warm down. KT again the best of the girls.

Noosa Parkrun had Jane 1st female 21 minutes, Steve 18 minutes only 3 seconds slower than his PB for the course. both solid runs.

Keith in Bemboka is preparing for a late start to the season specialising in the 1500m. Things going to plan for Keith.

Of me: A solid set this morning, 40 minutes in the early evening to make 120km this week. A long hilly run in the forest early tomorrow morning.

Ewen took a great video of the 800m handicap a couple of days ago. It's always good to see how the race unfolded from the perspective of reality. Thanx as always Ewen.


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