Stromlo XC Intervals 3 x 1000m ; Steve 6,5,4,3,3 minute efforts

Saturday morning group session at Stromlo XC circuits. Frosty again minus 4.8 degrees warming to a gorgeous day with no wind and not a cloud to be seen. All the girls ran either a 15km hilly XC trails time trial or a lazy 17km on Friday morning. Some were on a mission to run another 42km this weekend. Most tired, we had a reduced set of 3 x 1000m with 1000m recovery at reduced pace. Set was around 10km including 5 x 100m strides. My splits: 3:25,3:16,3:32. The frost was still slippery on the first effort, then good. I was cruising around after yesterday's fast set of 500s. A run after brunch with Milli the Border Collie maintained 120km for the week. I'm going to attempt to get a 10km time trial done over the next few days. It will mean finding the sweet spot between too cold, no wind and warm but windy... which is around 800am-900am.

Earlier on Saturday morning Steve ran 6,5,4,3,3 minute efforts. Splits: 3:47,3:37,3:35,3:27,3:32/km. Over the last 5 sessions of this type Steve has improved at a steady rate throughout. A great winter type progression.


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