Stromlo XC Intervals 5 x 500m ; BBQ Stakes 6km Hilly XC

Lunch time running on Wednesday. BBQ Stakes 6km community run on the hilly part XC loop resumed after a Covid-19. There were many happy runners out there. I ran with Milli the Border Collie on her inaugural run on the course. She turns two tomorrow and shares the same birth date (25th June) as the death of Bella the Border Collie one year earlier. The course had plenty of puddles and mud after two weekends of heavy rain.

Immediately after BBQ I went to Stromlo XC circuits for a leg speed session of 5 x 500m, 500m recovery. Weather was sunny, cool and some wind. The course was soft and slippery in parts. The inside line is very slippery. It took a while to work out where the best running was. I was rusty as well having not done a 500m set for three weeks. I started slow, finally finding my feet in the last three efforts. Splits: 1:36,1:32,1:27,1:27,1:23. Splits from 3 weeks ago 7 efforts): 1:42,1:32,1:30,1:26,1:25,1:24,1:21. Not too far off the pace, around 4 seconds/km slower today. Next set on Friday or Saturday morning.

Photos: Milli aged 3 months, Bella aged 13, hours before her death.


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