Canberra Covid Lockdown : Stromlo 2000m 6:42, Fartlek 5000m : Steve 4 x 500m : Keith 20 Minute Fartlek

From what I understand Canberra had one case of Covid and Covid detected in waste water, we are in lockdown from 5pm today for a week. Three further cases were announced later in the day within the University. With Stromlo across the road training will be as normal, one hour per day in local area as permitted.

Today at Stromlo a 5km fartlek as 2 x 90 seconds, 4 x 60 seconds, 4 x 30 seconds, 4 x 15 seconds plus warm up, warm down, 100m strides. This was followed by a 2000m time trial in 6:42. Splits(500m):1:43,1:40,1:41,1:38. Following that a long warm down. Steve in the morning ran 4 x 500m efforts. Splits:1:32,1:30,1:30,1:29 on the bitumen criterium circuit at Stromlo. Keith ran a 20 minute fartlek, similar to my set, Fastest pace for Keith roughly 3:27/km, slowest 4:11/km.

I don't expect Parkrun to be on this week. I will do a 5km time trial at Stromlo criterium track in the next couple of days.


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