12km incl Beach Fartlek Strides : Vale the Queen, Royal Visit Encounters

Lunch Time run of 12km taking Milli the Border Collie on her daily run to the beach and back. While Milli chased the waves I shadowed her movements with a fartlek session. Milli needs a rest day, she has been lagging on the 1.5km climb back home. Of course sadness today with passing of the Queen. I knew last night her time had come. I recalled in my pre-slumber royal encounters in Australia. First was a visit by Princess Anne in 1970. As school children we lined up on the main road and caught a 2 second glimpse as she drove by. Next was the Queen opening the Sydney Opera House, I had a fever and watched on the tv in my sick bed. Final encounter was Mary. She came across the road from my work. I only caught a brief glimpse but later that afternoon I saw her on my run home near the governor general's house as her car and convoy drove past. I waved and to my surprise I got a royal wave back :-) Parkrun on Saturday, I think I am in great form. I hope the weather improves. Lots on wind last evening, a sea mist early, then full sun and a big ocean swell, drizzle in the afternoon.


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