Stromlo XC Intervals 5*3 minutes ; Keith 6,5,4,3,2,1 minutes ; Steve 2 x 1km

Saturday morning sets in Canberra and on the South Coast. Weather glorious after a light frost. Full sun, light winds and warming up quickly. Spring appears to be here after snowing last week. Mount Franklin can be seen from here still covered in white.

Helen and I ran 5 x 3 minute efforts, 1 minute jog recovery. We are both running ACT Masters 8km XC handicap on Sunday morning at Stromlo. Others were racing around the lake at the same time in a 16km (10 Mile) low key road race.

Keith in Bemboka ran 6,5,4,3,2,1 minute efforts with 2-3 minutes recovery, 14km all up.

Steve did a light 2 x 1km session early in the morning.

Tour de France starts this evening. No doubt I will be staying up late.


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