Hilly Forest Trails Recovery Run 20km : Keith 1000m,800m,800m,500m : Steve 2 x 2500m

Sunday morning long run on hilly forest trails of 20km in the Arboretum. Weather much improved from yesterday, cold but with full sun and light winds. I felt good throughout. This week I'll step up the intensity and focus of speed endurance session, aiming to improve form for Australian Masters XC Championships to be held in Adelaide in August (if border restrictions allow me to get there). Regardless I'll continue with the plan of this six month base building block continuing until October, followed by direct preparation for track racing over the summer, peaking after my 60th birthday.

Keith's session was 1000m,800m,800m,500m on undulating gravel road, pace was 3:41-3:56/km. Steve ran 2 x 2500m, pace at 3:45/km.


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