Australian Masters Cross Country Championships : Long Intervals 6,5,4,3,2,1 minutes, 1 minute recovery : Steve 16km including 30 minute tempo run

Last evening I entered Australian Masters Cross Country Championships to be held in August. With current lock downs due to Covid in NSW my participation will depend on restrictions being lifted to South Australia where the event will be held (Adelaide). They have removed the Cross Country from the traditional four day AMA Championships, now to be included with the Athletics Australia All Ages XC Championships. Rain and wind on the way for a few days, today a session of 6,5,4,3,2,1 minute efforts, 1 minute jog recovery through the Arboretum again. Next set may have to wait for Parkrun on Saturday, easy running until then. Steve ran 16km including a 30 minute tempo run, pace 3:45/km to 4:05/km.


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