Parkrun Coombs 17:23 2nd ; Stromlo XC Intervals 6,5,4,3,2,1 minutes, 1 min recovery : Steve 4 x 500m, 10km Tempo : Keith 3 x 3 minute hill efforts

Cloudy clearing to sun with a chilly wind for Parkrun Coombs. Overnight rain made the course dangerous in places at pace, I was cautious in the puddles and mud. I had Tim and TV to push the pace. Tim was the strongest finishing 4 seconds ahead. My time of 17:23 just 3 seconds slower than my fastest on the course, quickest time since March. Splits (500m):1:39,1:44,1:41,1:42,1:44,(dead turn)1:48,1:41,1:41,(dead turn)1:50,1:42. After the session off to Stromlo XC circuits for the session of 6,5,4,3,2,1 minute efforts with 1 minute recovery. Course was completely saturated. On Sunday a long recovery run. Next session on Monday with a mix of 500m leg speed intervals and a short time trial at race pace.

Steve ran 4 x 500m efforts. Splits: 1:36,1:36,1:33,1:31. On Thursday the session a 40 minute tempo run with pace between 3:52 down to 3:35/km.

Keith ran 4 x 3 minute hill efforts. Splits: 3:43/km,3:46/km,4:04/km


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