No results as yet. Will post here when they come through. The only race I saw was the 3000m, I blogged me last night. Kathy and Helen very good in the conditions. It was HOT. My weight went from 57+kg to 54.4kg in under 2 hours...and the track was so soft I felt like I was sinking in it. From memory Helen was 12:37, Kathy 12:50. Excellent efforts in those conditions.

Of me again: I put positive head on before the race. 3:06 1km, with 2 laps to go only had to run 2:30 for the last 800 to do sub-9:30 but the HEAT, dawdled the last lap in 79. It was another 40 minutes and a whole lot of ice before I could jog home...not well. Prior to the race had a cold shower and ice bag on the head in between strides and right up to the gun. Oh almost forgot 124km in last 7 days...really should not complain.

Today only 40 minutes in the bush. Still hot in the house...such is summer.


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