Long Run #3 : Not the Canberra Half Marathon

I lay in bed watching final 20km of the Giro this morning on big screen (recorded on computer). So it was a late run down to the lake and out onto the Canberra Half Marathon course to cheer on. I pulled onto the course with runners travelling in the mid-4s so really had to work to catch some of my friends. Luckily there was a loop through Black Mtn Peninsula so I could catch up.

After cheering on KT, Elle, Maria and so on (all were doing well) I ran the course further to less than 1km remaining, more cheering on for Elle and Maria, then made the reverse trip home.

Not a half marathon for me but close, 19km with some surging efforts in the mid-3s, start and finish in the 4s and 81 minutes. I need to do a loosener this afternoon, 3km will do to give me 120km for the last 7 days, my first since the end of January.

If I do race Gold Coast Half Marathon I will have 7 big weeks and one easier week in my legs. I estimate I am another 4 weeks until I get back on top of form again and lose my Buddha belly.

I will have two ACTVAC XC handicaps before the GCHM, the first at West Majura next Sunday. It is a brute of a finish, basically all down and then all up on the return. It is usually my best chance of stealing a win as the final 1km needs a super strong mind and body. The mind is willing but the body isn't ready. It will be another good test for the achilles.


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