Stromlo XC Intervals : 3 x 2000m

Day one of the next training cycle for all of us at Stromlo. 2000m warm up, 4 x 100m, 3 x 2000m at with 1:30 jog recovery. Jane 8:12,8:20:8:30 found it was and wet as well. Steve and I 7:21,7:19,7:23 Me 7:12 Steve. That's a big improvement over last year for Steve, especially first up. He left me for dead with 900m to go on the last effort.

Helen did 4 x 1000m after us. Also getting better each week.

Keith in Bega 4 x 100m, 2 x 2000m 7:17 (337,340),7:24 (340,344) + 1000m (335)...almost assaulted by dog.

Of me: Very happy with that session. Faster than my comparable session last year by 10 seconds per effort. I was able to get all the efforts under 7:00 after a month last year so that is the goal again. The achilles not fully healed but manageable. Will keep to just one hard session per week and otherwise steady running until I see some more improvement.


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