Stromlo XC Intervals : 3 x 2500m + 500m

A slight change to previous weeks. The wind was up in the morning making comparison to previous weeks difficult. Like last year we switched from 2000m intervals to 2500m intervals and chose today instead of next week to do it.

The set: 2000m warm up, 4*100m, 3*2500m plus 500m with 1:45 jog recovery, 2000m warm down.

The splits:
Me: 8:32, 8:40, 8:44, 1:40
Steve: 8:32, 8:35, 8:35, 1:40
Jane: 9:36, 9:39, 9:42, 1:46

By comparison, on this day last year the set: Stromlo 4x100m, 2*2500m(8:38,8:28)60sec rec, 2*1000m(3:14,3:12). So Steve is quicker than then, I am roughly the same. Jane wasn't running. All three of us this week substantially quicker than last week with Jane the big improver. I was still dropped on the hill by Steve on the last two efforts, but much closer than last week. He is moving nicely.

After our session group two arrived (Maria, Kathy, Gabe, Roger, Tori, Helen). All did the same session we did with all shining on at least one effort. Not much between the bunch.

I accompanied Helen on her efforts who still recovers from a knee injury.

Of me: 21km this morning, a 4km loosener in the afternoon. 4km XC handicap tmoz. Last year the XC handicap was also on the same weekend. I expect I will run in the 14:20s compared to last year 14:13. Will find out tmoz.

More comparison to last year: In June I ran two good runs in 16km XC at Brimbank (Vic) and ACT XC Championships at Stromlo. The splits at Stromlo: 40:54 (8:05,8:29,8:36,8:38,7:03)(5km 16:34,7.5km 25:11,10km 33:50,12km 40:54)

So for me, getting my 2500m Stromlo efforts all into the 8:20s will be the goal by mid-June. I am a couple of weeks away, Steve is nearly there, Jane is getting near Hobart form again. Steve and Keith ran just over 45:30 last year. All being well Steve should smash that time and getting into the 41s or below. Keith should also be better.


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