Stromlo XC Intervals 3 x 600m efforts, 400m recovery

Cold in the late afternoon at Stromlo XC circuit. Nobody on track except Helen and myself. Hard to get warmed up wearing full cover head to toe.

The set: Warm up, 5 x 100m strides, 3 x 600m (2:01,1:51,1:48), warm down. Helen splits: 2:35,2:34,2:32. I would have liked another effort as I was just getting going...the light and cold was against us.

Next set tomorrow with BBQ Stakes 6km XC handicap. I'll run the first and last parts solid, run the hilly XC section as intervals, faster than I would normally run.

Saturday is ACT Masters 8000m XC at Stromlo. I'll have an easier day on Friday.


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