Stromlo XC Intervals 1200m,1000m,600m ; Steve 3 x 1500m

Stromlo XC intervals this morning. Weather cool to warm, misty to sunny, light winds. Five of us there.

The set: Warm up, 4 x 100m strides, 3 x 200m hills, 1200m 3:45, 1000m 3:04, 600m 1:47, warm down. KT was best of the girls with all efforts sub-4:00/km. All up 10km for the morning, recovery run in the afternoon to make 125km last 7 days.

My set: Surprisingly quick! I wasn't expecting that given a few light weeks and not much else. Very similar to the speeds I was running at WMA Championships in Malaga.

Steve also at Stromlo ran 3 x 1500m efforts. Splits: 5:14,5:08,5:15. No sign of the magpie from any of us. The family of birds that has terrorised us for a decade seems to have been removed again.

The Woden track storage shed was burnt down by arson this week. Start of track season may be delayed. It was expected this Thursday. Regardless of when it starts I should be ready to resume soon.

Tomorrow an easy run including a short maximum threshold effort.


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