Long Run Bright ; Brimbank rehashed

Straight after the race yesterday I jumped in the car with Bella, drove to Melbourne airport to collect Minnie, up the Hume and Snow Road to Bright. Three hours in the car driving is not a great way to warm down.

This morning I got my warm down. First a stroll into town for coffee and bakery treat. I returned back to the ranch, change clothes and out along the Ovens River and back. No road crossings, almost no people, just pleasant winding trails through the trees by the water and plenty of water for Bella to splash in. I stopped at 75 minutes with Bella, Minnie did another 15 minutes.

Since nationals I've been doing a Saturday session with Steve and following that with the girls designed to get me a decent half marathon and some good cross country results for all of us. The Saturday session has been all about running at steady state threshold (minimal lactate production) and doing enough work to get through the longer events.

Yesterday I held back just a little at the beginning and pretty much dropped onto steady state from kilometre one until the finish. I was through 10km in just over 35 minutes was the exact pace that I've been training at. I ran the hills slower than I could but gained time on all the flats and especially the downs. Most pleasing was that my third lap racing some Victorian legends. Only negative was a 10 second stop to remedy a heel blister. I'm feeling confident the 12km XC in a fortnight will be a good one. Key test will be how quick I run in the Gold Coast Half Marathon.


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