Long Runs 30km on forest trails and bike path tempo

Sunday run with two shoe changes. Part 1 on forest single track with Milli the Border Collie 7km. Part 2 drop off Milli, change from trainers to Nike Zoom Flynit Vaporfy 4% 14km bike path tempo (4:10/km). Part 3 change shoes to Nike Zoom Fly trainers for forest trail recovery run 9km.

Today completes a 10 week base training block, average of 122km/week. 135km last 7 days. I am feeling great, no injuries, form has been on the improve week on week. It's time to taper for Canberra Times Fun Run 10km next Sunday and one Hour on track (a few days later). Next training block will commence in a fortnight and lead up to the Cadbury Hobart Half Marathon on January 12th. 7 weeks of base training, one week taper.


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