Long Run Forest Single Track 92 minutes ; Steve 7km Treadmill

Another day of heavy smoke in Canberra. So much smoke our workforce was sent home due to smoke inside the building. I put on a mask with air filter and sealed sunglasses, braved it outdoors for a 92 minute run on single track in a forest when the air quality had improved to as good as it was going to get for the day. I'll get out there again when I can, otherwise it's more indoors on the bike wind trainer.

Earlier in the morning Steve ran 7km on treadmill. That's probably the best choice if one is available. Many of the gyms have closed in Canberra.

Many of those affected and locked in at the coast moved home yesterday afternoon or early today. Shops are short of food, petrol and communication has been a struggle down there. There's a lull with the bush fires for a couple of days before ramping up again on Saturday with 42 degrees and hot dry strong winds and more fires. Sunday and Monday there may even be some rain on the weekend and improved air quality. We can only hope for better things next week.


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