BBQ Stakes Maximum Threshold 6.1km XC 21:51
Weather cool, sunny with less wind than previous days. Works on course continue to add 10-15 seconds to the final time as they have for a few weeks.
My 600m session yesterday gave me an immediate lift in pace and form as it always does. I was feeling great out there again and strong entire run. Helen ran 31 minutes with Jaffa the Heeler.
All up 18km for the day, 127km last 7 days, 125km last 3 months, my best quarterly average since 1988.
Next set on Saturday with long XC intervals at Stromlo.
My 600m session yesterday gave me an immediate lift in pace and form as it always does. I was feeling great out there again and strong entire run. Helen ran 31 minutes with Jaffa the Heeler.
All up 18km for the day, 127km last 7 days, 125km last 3 months, my best quarterly average since 1988.
Next set on Saturday with long XC intervals at Stromlo.