Pre-Dawn Warm Up 4km ; Dalmeny to Kianga and Return 15km including Hill and Race Pace Intervals; Glasshouse Rocks Beach 2km ; 5km Warm Down ; Australian Masters Athletics Championships 2025 Entered.

Pre-dawn 4km warm up from home before driving to Dalmeny at First light. An out and back 15km run from Dalmeny, turning back earlier than where we got to the day before while still including assorted Hill and Race Pace Intervals into the run. On the return trip home a stop off at Glasshouse Rocks Beach for a 2km run on boggy sand with most of the beach out of play with an incoming tide. A 5km Warm down from home. 26km for the day, 206km last 7 days. An easy Day on Friday, Parkrun on Saturday. Yesterday I entered events for the Australian Masters Athletics Championships to be held in Adelaide,April.


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