ABS Fun Run 7km : Keith in Bega

A low key lunch time fun run with almost 600 runners and walkers. The course has changed since my only other effort in 2010. Not a loop around the lake, now out and back and sharing only the first kilometre or so of the old course. There is an ascent in each direction up to a road bridge above the lake, undulating with twists and bends elsewhere. Going out was quicker than coming back as there were many runners to avoid early on the return leg and then there were the packs of oncoming walkers who started 10 minutes after the run taking up the whole bicycle path. I was on the grass or gravel quite a bit in the last kilometre.

Splits: 3:12, 3:21, 3:24, 1:28 (dead turn), 1:29, 3:29, 3:23, 3:22=23:11

I won this race in 2010 and won again today. Not easy either year. I opened up a small gap in the second kilometre (right after the climb to the bridge), only 8 seconds lead at the dead turn (Rob), doubled it to the finish. I never had an easy moment and was on my absolute limit the whole race. Exactly what I had hoped for in running an aggressive race with good technique and being as strong in the second half as I was in the first.

Nice to see so many familiar faces out there. KT 2nd female overall.

In Bega Keith 6,5,4,3,2,1 minute efforts, pace varied slightly with the terrain between 3:38 and 3:53/km. A solid session including the 5 x 100 metre strides, warm up and warm down.


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