BBQ 6km : 7,7,6 minute efforts

BBQ 6km loop again, this time done as 7,7,6 minute efforts, 30 seconds float recovery. Total time 21:03...close but no lollies yet and 26 seconds faster than last outing a fortnight ago. I can't fault my efforts, 100% flat out, felt great. Floats not too quick. Some people traffic in the final kilometre cost me no more than 10 seconds all up. There was some breeze in the elevated hilly cross country parts of the course but nothing to complain about. Breaking 21 minutes isn't going to be as easy as I thought. That makes Nick's times in low 20 mins+seconds very impressive. Will try again in 2-3 weeks and 3-4 more times before I head to France. Happy with the session on 130km/week...much harder than I would have done on my own.

Helen at Stromlo on her own 27:18 same 6km distance also done by intervals. That's the quickest session of this type she has done in a couple of years. Jack 33:39 in 8km school walkathon. Young Ginger Henry 27:30, broke record by 4 mins.

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