BBQ 6km : 7,5,4,4 minute efforts

Very cold again, temperature in single digits for much of the day, some hail, snow on the hills. Saving grace was sunshine in between the hail flurries and only a stiff breeze.

The set:(roughly) 7,5,4,4 minute efforts with 30 seconds jog recovery. Total time 21:29 or 98 seconds quicker than a fortnight ago. It will be easy to run under 21 minutes on next outing with only two breaks of three equal efforts.

Helen also took another 15 seconds off her recent PB, today 27:25. She is now within a minute or so of her all time flat out PB while doing long intervals today and having over 2 minutes of recovery time. Both of us will have a crack at posting a decent PB in June or July.

Keith was out there in the snow today. See image.


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