Beach Intervals 4 x 800m, 200m Recovery, 2 x 2km, 3min Recovery : Steve Tempo Run

Pre-Dawn run on the beaches at low tide including a couple of Interval sets. Weather humid with some wind from the south. The Set: 2km Warm Up, 4 x 800m Intervals with 200m jog recovery, change beach, 2 x 2km with 2 minutes recovery, warm down on the golf course with Milli the Border Collie, 17 km for the day. Today Steve ran a solid Tempo Run. Next set tomorrow, short Intervals.


Ewen said…
Beautiful photo Bruce. Belated Happy Birthday! I see you're still running well.
Thanks Ewen, always a good location for photos, others were out there too although I was mostly there for a fast run on firm sand.

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