Morning Run and Swim 20km ; Hill Loop 11km ; Australian Masters Athletics Championships Entry

A welcome relief from the heat and sticky humidity of recent days, cloud, a breeze and some occasional light drizzle this morning. Perfect weather for running followed by an ocean beach swim to cool the muscles down in post run. 31km for the day. Tides are on my side this week with low tide early in the morning as opposed to last week high tides. I'll be able to take more steps forward with some structured training sets followed by Parkrun next Saturday. In the afternoon an 11km hill loop from home. It was straight after finish of the Tour Down Under Cycling and I was feeling up for a few hills. I also entered Australian Masters Athletics Championships to be held in Hobart Tasmania from March 29th to April 1st. I'm now absolutely clear on what events I have to train for and set sessions to get me there in good shape.


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