
Showing posts from September, 2024

Parkrun Panboola Wetlands DNS

Warm, sunny morning with some wind (both hot and cold) at Parkrun Panboola Wetlands. On the drive south debris was flying across the Road, I was prepared for the foul weather before I arrived. I ran a full 6km warm up before the start and gave up on the idea of running Parkrun 45 minutes before the start when the hot winds started picking up, I turned around and drove home. On Sunday I will be taking Milli and Munchkin the Border Collie's for runs early in the morning. Steve ran a set of 4 x 1km efforts at his patch, the fastest effort 3:13/km.

Beach Intervals 16km ; Whale Spotting ; Steve 5 x 200m

Early morning set of 4 x 2km Intervals at Glasshouse Rocks Beach before moving to Surf Beach,Some Whales about, also 4 x 2km. After the Session a long warm down from home along the Coast trail. In the afternoon a set of Short Intervals. Parkrun Tomorrow. Steve ran a set of 5 x 200m in Brisbane.

Long Beach Intervals ; Golf Course Hill Intervals ; Long Warm Down

Morning set of 2 x 1500m Beach Intervals racing Munchkin the Border Collie at Glasshouse Rocks Beaches on high tide. We ran out of beach to run on due to the tides washing in, ran through the Golf course to Surf Beach followed by another full lap of the hilly Golf Course pushing hard on all the ups, coasting the downs. Back at home a long warm down on the coast trail. Another cold front is pushing through the area just now bringing Gale Force Winds. Indoor training for the remainder of today or until the weather eases.

Long Beach Intervals 4 x 1500m

Sunny morning set of 4 x 1500m Beach Intervals run on an out and back course from Surf Beach to Glasshouse Rocks Beaches via the Golf Course and return racing Munchkin the Border Collie. The course featured a tough climb on a single track forest trail on the return direction. At Surf Beach we met Milli the Border Collie and joined together for another trip through the Golf Course. At home later in the morning a long warm down on the Coast trail.

Long Beach Intervals 2 x 4 km ; Steve XC Intervals at Stromlo XC Circuits 4 x 1km

Pre-Dawn set of Long Intervals (2 x 4km) at Glasshouse Rocks Beaches, Surf Beach and through the Golf Course  racing Munchkin the Border Collie . Weather cool, no wind, it looks like being a great day. Steve ran a set of XC Intervals at Stromlo XC Circuits 4 x 1km. Splits:3:39/km,3:38/km,3:40/km,3:40/km

Spring Returns ; Long Golf Course and Beach Intervals, 13km ; Milli and Munchkin the Border Collies Play Date

The recent cold, windy spell is over, full sunshine today, no wind. Munchkin the Border Collie and I ran Glasshouse Rocks Beaches, Surf Beach and a full loop of the Hilly golf course early before meeting up with Milli the Border Collie back on Surf Beach again, 13km for the morning session including 3 x 3km hill intervals and 2 x 2km Beach Intervals at full gas. After the session Milli and Munchkin had a play date with their favourite game tug-o-war. ;

Stay Indoors or Rug Up Runs 17km

Early morning trip south to find somewhere sheltered to run as a cold burst from Antarctica brings storms, rough seas, damaging winds and snow above 600 metres above sea level. Beaches were not an option, Munchkin and I ran the Golf Course which was sheltered by forest and a long warm down back at home wearing everything I could find. The remainder of the day training indoors. Good news is it should only last one day or so.

Parkrun Panboola Wetlands 3rd in 18:16 ; Steve Parkrun Coombs 3rd in 19:32

Cool, sunny morning at Parkrun Panboola Wetlands 3rd in 18:16. We had perfect weather and I had 2 quick young runners to chase. My best run since a return to Parkrun a few weeks ago. The three most recent runs all faster week on week. Splits (500m);1:46,1:45,1:44,1:46,1:45,(dead turn,1:48)1:52,1:52,1:50,1:48. Steve run Parkrun Coombs, 3rd in 19:32. 

Pre Dawn Beach and Golf Course Intervals 6km ; Play Date for Milli and Munchkin Herding Waves, Surf Beach 6km

Started the Morning session in the dark this morning from Surf Beach, through the Golf Course to Glasshouse Rocks Beaches and return. The set: Warm up, 2 x 2.5km Beach and Golf Course Intervals, 1 x 1km Golf Course Hill effort. After the session we met Milli at Surf Beach. It's been 5 days since they last met, great for them to catch up again herding waves. Munchkin and I did a long warm down from home of another 6km. Lovely day to be out there by the Ocean in full sunshine.only 10km today, Parkrun tomorrow.

Long Beach Intervals 2 x 2.5km

Morning Beach Intervals from Surf Beach to Glasshouse Rocks Beaches and return, similar route as yesterday. After the run a short journey up to the headland and return.

Pre-Dawn Beach Race Pace Intervals 4 x 500m, Short Recovery ; Long Warm Down

Pre-Dawn set of 4 x 500m Beach Intervals racing Munchkin the Border Collie. Same route as yesterday with a start at Surf Beach, Run out to Glasshouse Rocks Beaches and return including single track forest trails and hills to link the Beaches Together.  On the way home we made a visit to the seals and Australia Rock. Back at home a long recovery warm down along the coast trail.

Long Beach Intervals 2 x 2.5km ; Short Fartlek Intervals, 1km ; Dolphin Spotting ; Steve 35 Minute Tempo Run

Pre-Dawn Interval session out and back to Glasshouse Rocks Beaches (2 x 2.5km) including 1km of short Fartlek Intervals, Starting and Finishing at Surf Beach. Forest Single track was used to link the 2 sets of beaches together. At home after the session a long warm down on the Coast trail including dolphin spotting. Steve ran a 35 minute Tempo run on his patch in freezing conditions.Later in the morning Munchkin and I walked to the Boathouse for brunch, a bowl of chippies and meet other dogs. 

Long Beach Intervals 2 x 3.5km ; Short Leg Speed Intervals

Morning set of long Beach Intervals as 2 x 3.5km from Surf Beach to Glasshouse Rocks Beaches and return racing Munchkin the Border Collie. Weather cool and sunny once the sun rose. In the afternoon a set of Short leg Speed Intervals.

All Terrain Runs with Milli and Munchkin the Border Collies 17km ; Training Update

Morning run at Glasshouse Rocks Beaches with Munchkin the Border Collie before joining Milli the Border Collie. All runs included single track and Grass (Golf Course). After the runs a long warm down from home with Munchkin the Border Collie. 17km for the day. Training Update: For the last few weeks my fast training runs and Parkrun have been consistent in holding my threshold at the maximum for up to 30 minutes (18 minutes for Parkrun) This week will include more short intervals in the mix without getting injured and see if I can translate that to Parkrun. I'll need some help from the wind gods which have not been kind on Saturdays.