City2Surf 14km Road Race Preparation Week 15

I am 15 weeks into an 18 week preparation for the City2Surf 14km mass participation road race from Sydney to Bondi Beach. In the next 3 weeks a lift in the training volume followed by a short taper. This week I'll add in an additional maximum threshold effort 4km on Wednesday and continue the same at Parkrun for 5km. The weekly 1500m hill threshold run will also continue. Training volume over the last 8 weeks has been over 120km/week. I'll hit 130km before a taper in the week leading up to City2Surf. The ultimate goal is Australian Masters Athletics Championships in Sydney, March 2023. Then repeat a similar training cycle again for 12 months or so and the next big event. This morning a steady run by the ocean on bike path. A short beach interval session at low tide of 20 x 200m with short recovery. A warm down run in the afternoon to make 18km for the day.


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