Not Parkrun, Glasshouse Rocks Long Beach Intervals, 2 x 3km ; Surf Beach, 1km ; Long Warm Down ; Steve 6,5,4,3,2,1 Minute Efforts ; Humpback Whale Breaching

Pre-dawn start to a Long Beach Interval set of 2 x 3km efforts at Glasshouse Rocks Beaches racing Munchkin the Border Collie at dead low tide, sand firm and fast. After the set we ran a 1km effort at Surf Beach followed by a long Warm Down where I got lucky and saw a Humpback Whale breaching out of the water repeatedly just past Glasshouse Rocks.
Steve ran a set of 6,5,4,3,2,1 Minute efforts at his patch with his first 2 intervals at 3:40/km, the fastest split 3:12/km.


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